St. Robert's Church Bulletin, June 24, 2001

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

June 24, 2001
Nativity of John the Baptist


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Dear Friends,

Once again, we sat together, looking at the readings for today, concerning the Birth of John the Baptist. We wondered how we could connect John’s life with the married life of Anna May’s 94 year old parents. On June 16th, Mel and Joe McKeever celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. They rejoiced together with their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, extended family and dearest friends at the 16 Mile House in Millbrae.

John was called from his mother’s womb to make straight the way of the Lord. Mel and Joe were called from their mother’s womb to be joined together as husband and wife. Through their day-to-day living example of putting God first and loving one another, many are drawn to Jesus. They see Jesus in everyone and are Jesus to all whom they meet.

Imagine! Seventy years — becoming two in one flesh — with the Holy Spirit dwelling within them — spreading love wherever they go!

Their home has always been a safe refuge — a peaceful, loving shelter. Their Nurse Mary, who visits them each week, has told us: "I usually spend an hour with my patients, but with your Mom and Dad I spend at least two hours. They are such a joyful couple. Love shines through their eyes. Coming here and being with them revives my spirit."

Just as He called John the Baptist and Mel and Joe, God Our Father has put each of us in this place, at this time, for a special purpose. What we do and how we love has lasting effects, far beyond anything we could ever imagine. God is always with us. He has a wonderful plan for our life and He will help us to complete it.

Jesus has given us His Life. He asks only that we love Him and love one another. If we do this, we live His Gospel and spread His message to all the world. Jesus says to each of us, "I have called you by name...You are Mine...You are precious in My eyes...I love you".

Gene & Anna May


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"Liturgy is . . ."

My professor, Sr. Rita Claire Dorner, O.P., is retiring this year after many, many fruitful years of teaching at Santa Clara University. In our last course together, she left us with a bountiful description of what liturgy is:

Liturgy is . . .

  • God calling God’s people to transformation in Christ.

  • The church coming together to praise and thank God.

  • Worship offered to God the Father/Creator, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • An experience of the manifold presence of Jesus Christ.

  • The action of the Holy Spirit in reconstituting the Church.

  • The prayer of the Body of Christ.

  • The prayer of the human body.

  • The church’s response to the Gospel.

  • The full, conscious, active participation of the People of God in the act of worship

  • The sending of the assembly to build the Kingdom of God here and now.

- Pat Kelly


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6/25 Monday 6:30
Raoul Kahn (L)
All Fathers
6/26 Tuesday 6:30
All Fathers
Bernadette Edwards †
6/27 Wednesday 6:30
Gene Rodriguez †
Joseph Taylor †
6/28 Thursday 6:30
Mr. & Mrs. C. Munoz Plaza (L)
Eleanor Smith †
6/29 Friday 6:30
Tony Fardella †
Special Intention
6/30 Saturday 8:30
Barbara Carey †
Anthony Martinez †
7/01 Sunday 7:30
Alice Buelow †
Bill Wilson †
Josephine Baggetta †
Ada Senegal †
People of St. Robert's


1 Kings 19:16-21 Galatians 5:1,13-18 Luke 9:51-62



As a parish Community we pray....

For all children. May they receive the respect, attention and love that they need to realize deep in their hearts that they are precious in the eyes of their parents and of their God.



We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Arthur Candia, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, William & Sandra Dill, Adela Florez, Elsie Grech, Randall Guerro, Denise Hawald, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Josephine Lavoie, Marky, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Catherine Okulove, Sister Nancy Reynolds, Mary Shick, Cyndy Smerdel, Kari Stellino, Don Vickery, Walton and June Dickhoff, Gordon Sinks, Daniel McHale, Ilaria Belluomini, Elenore Morgan, Shirley Ann Rider, Lee Shick, Marion Macris, & Bernie Voight.


Our sincere sympathy to the family of
Sr. Loyola O’Neill
Principal of St. Robert’s School
who died recently.


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We welcome you into our parish!

Anthony and Tiffany Inocencio and family
Daniel and Donna Bettis and family
Audrey Hudson
John and Eileen Grealish and family
Kelly and Lisa Ayalia and family
Mike and Sandra Gordon and family

If you’re new to St. Robert’s, we ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups.


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Will you be going to a far away island this summer or a country thousands and thousands of miles away? WELL, THEN you could be in the running for a prize for the Church bulletin that is furthest away. Just drop it/them by the rectory on your return. Winner will be announced at the end of summer.

For help in finding nationwide Mass times and locations while you are away this summer please use the following:

Call 1-800-Mass Times (1-800-627-7846)
or internet at




The Emergency Prayer Network continues to pray for your specific intentions that require a concerted effort due to their critical nature. To facilitate the network, please call Michele Pipinich. The network then prays frequently for the next 72 hours. We would appreciate a return call with the outcome so we can praise God for His faithfulness.


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DROP-IN BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: on Monday, June 25th, at 7:30 p.m. in the Convent Chapel.

BIBLE STUDY will resume September 5th.


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TUESDAY, June 26th
6:30 - 8 pm, Legion of Mary.....Library

THURSDAY, June 28th
7 - 9 pm, RCIA.....Chapel 

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