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"Building for a New Century"

March 23-24, 2002

Issue #10

Campaign Exceeds $1,250,000 - a Superb Effort!

Due to yet another herculean effort by our entire campaign team, "Building for a New Century" continued to climb. Another $165,000 was reported at Tuesday's meeting, including a gift of $50,000! The combination of gifts made through personal visits, phone calls, gifts brought to the Rectory, and other sources has brought our total to $1,254,787!!

Can we still make a gift?

Of course! Although the "active phase" of the campaign is ending, there are a number of people who could not be reached and others who desired to wait until later. Obviously, we urge everyone to make a gift - simply bring it to the Parish Office or drop your pledge card in the Offertory Basket.

When pledges are extended over five years, it is understandable that some will not be fulfilled due to illness, unemployment, relocation, etc. Therefore, we do not know the extent to which our goal has been surpassed until all the pledges mature. Additional gifts are very significant, since every dollar raised above $1,000,000 will allow us to use less of our savings; thus, support is always needed and appreciated.

How do we make our payments?

As you might expect, there are many different kinds of pledges. The majority of donors have chosen to make monthly payments, while others have decided on quarterly, annually, or another schedule. Beginning in May, we will send all donors a reminder as well as a return envelope just prior to the time EACH installment is due. The envelopes will be marked as follows:

Pledge Payment Envelope
"Building for a New Century" Campaign
St. Robert's Catholic Church

Please use this envelope to make your pledge payments, either by dropping it in the collection basket or sending it back to St. Robert's.

Thanks to All…

Throughout the campaign, we stressed the need for both financial gifts and prayers. It is obvious from the spirit that pervaded this effort and our results that there has been a tremendous amount of both present. Once again, the St. Robert's family has demonstrated its giving, caring nature. A special thanks must go to our school's 6th graders and their teacher, Kevin Carey, who prepared Hennessy Hall for each week's campaign meeting.

Thank You for All Your Prayers for Our Success

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