Saint Robert Parish Athletics

Here at St. Robert's, we are grateful for all the time and energy our volunteer coaches put in and the sacrifices they make for the children of the parish. The board is committed to providing the best possible program for the athletes. Along those lines, we make this questionnaire available to you. This will assist us in providing constructive feedback to our coaches each year. Without feedback, it is impossible for the board to accurately evaluate and improve the athletic program.

Please take the time to fill out this form and return it school. This form is confidential and will be viewed only by the board and the sport commissioners. We may share the information with the coaches, but not the form itself. This evaluation is for the head coach, but feel free to comment on an assistant coach on the back side of this form. Thank you for your time in this important matter.

Coach's Name: _______________________________

Grade and Sport:_____________________________

Parent & Player Name: ________________________________

Rating Scale:
1- Below average, 2- Average, 3- Good, 4- Very good, 5- Excellent


____ 1. This coach is fair and impartial in his treatment of all players.

____ 2. This coach has a supportive attitude towards non-starters and injured players.

____ 3. This coach has helped make your participation on this team a challenging and rewarding experience.

____ 4. This coach gives recognition for effort as well as performance.

____ 5. This coach represents himself/herself appropriately, reflecting the athletic philosophy in the presence of the team and public.

____ 6. Players and coaches treat each other with respect and concern for the well being of all.

____ 7. This coach has the ability to get the best out of the players.

____ 8. This coach clearly communicated and enforced team rules.

____ 9. This coach maintained discipline on the team.


____ 10. Practices are constructive with a variety of drills and techniques.

____ 11. Practice time is used effectively.

____ 12. The coach communicates in a positive manner during practice.


____ 13. The coach handles himself/herself with patience and maturity during games.

____ 14. The coach distributes playing time fairly among the athletes.

Comments: (Please elaborate on any score below a 3 in the above questions)

Please return this form to school by November 26