St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

AUGUST 2, 1998
Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners:

The following is the fifth and final part from Catholic Update (A Consistent Ethic of Life) by Kenneth R. Overberg, S.J.

As we enter a new millennium, world events and Church teachings direct our attention to life itself as the very center of our concern. The consistent ethic of life provides both a solid foundation and a powerful challenge to live as faithful disciples and involved citizens. It calls into question all views that contradict the message and meaning of Jesus. It challenges us to reject the culture of death. It challenges us to create a culture of life every day, at home, at work and in society.

How? The way we vote, the jokes we tell, the language we use, the attitudes we hand on to children, the causes we support, the business practices we use, the entertainment we attend, the way we care for the sick and elderly: in all these ordinary activities we express consistency in respecting life or we get trapped in contradictions.

If we are consistent, we must speak and act concerning abortion and euthanasia but also concerning welfare and immigration, sexism and racism, cloning and health-care reform, trade agreements and sweatshops, the buying and selling of women for prostitution, genocide and many other issues. Based on our ancient Scriptures and attentive to contemporary experiences, the consistent ethic of life provides an ethical framework for confronting the moral dilemmas of a new millennium. It helps us to promote the full flourishing of all life.

Father Vincent Ring



If you would like to make a donation of $100 or more toward the construction of the new wall in memory of someone or in thanksgiving for God’s blessing to your family, please send a check to the Parish specifying the name to be listed on the memorial plaque that will be placed on the side wall of the Sanctuary.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

If you have someone in your family or a close friend, or a neighbor who is interested in becoming a Catholic, or if you know adults who were baptized and have not received First Communion or Confirmation, why not invite them to our R.C.I.A.? Unbaptized adults are welcome also. This program will begin in September. We are accepting candidates throughout the coming months. Spread the word. Leave names and phone numbers with the Parish Office. Rusty Duffey will make contact with applicants.


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Please Mark Your Calendars

This year’s PARISH PICNIC will be held on on August 29th, 12:00 p.m. at Beckner Shelter. Picnic lunch will be provided by the parish. Pool is reserved 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Reservation sign-ups will be taken after each Mass. Volunteers are needed. Any questions or interested in helping call Trish Estelita or Robin Cesea.

See you there!!!!


Saturday, August 15th

The festival committee will sponsor ARMCHAIR Races again this year. This is fun for all. $10 per person includes-admission, 2 complementary beverages of your choice, appetizers, fun and more.Tickets go on sale after Mass today and all Masses next weekend. If you have any questions please call George Lynch.



Please have your scrp orders in to the Parish Office by Thursday at 4:00 p.m. Thank you! Have a great summer!


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Monday 6:30 Communion Service
8:30 Rose Cepernich †
Tuesday 6:30 Special Intention
8:30 Edward Lagomarsino †
Wednesday 6:30 Communion Service
8:30 John Schaukowitch †
Thursday 6:30 Communion Service
8:30 Geraldine Perata †
Friday 6:30 Albert Jackson †
8:30 Mary Kern †
Saturday 8:30 Paul & Rosina Vella †
4:30 Anna Rado †
Sunday 7:30 People of St. Robert's
9:00 Bill Wilson †
10:30 Isabelle Cardinale †
12:00 Charles Muscat †
5:30 Cookie Joyner †


We welcome into the family of God, Peter Agdipa, Benina Silva and Madison Condon who were baptized in Christ.

We are pleased to have married Samson Gee and Robin Parsons Congratulations!

We pray for the ill: Blake Interdonato, IIlar Schoenstein, Don Landers, Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Margarita Velez, Sandra Dill, Jane Bousquet, and Tim Scully.

We pray for the repose of the soul of James Babcock.

As a Parish Community, We Pray...That through the process of RENEW 2000, the People of God will discover the joy of life centered in Jesus Christ.



2ND and 4TH Tuesdays, 7:00 - 9:00 PM St. Dominic’s Room-Cortez Ave. (next to church) at Our Lady of Angels, 1721 Hillside Dr. Burlingame


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We welcome you into St. Robert’s Family and ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, in the mail, or at the Parish office. We will mail a New Parishioner Packet with information about the Parish, its organizations and groups.


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RENEW 2000
Come and See

Renew 2000 will start in October and continue for 6 weeks. Each weekly theme is experienced in the Sunday Liturgy, in materials available for family use and in small RENEW communities. Week One will focus on, "The Trinity, A Relationship of Love."

Join RENEW in the Fall.



The Men’s Club will hold its first Summer BBQ on Monday, August 17th. All men of the parish are invited to a very casual dinner in the parish hall. The doors will open at 6:30 and the cost for dinner and hosted bar is $10 per person. If you are new in the parish or have never attend one of our meetings, come see what you have been missing. Call Al Ciraulo at for more information or reservations.



August 11th at 12 Noon - St. Bruno’s Church Hall
Salad, Chicken, Pasta, Veggies, Wine, Dessert
$10 per person - call Peg Ritner at 588-7888


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Legion of Mary, 6:30-8:30PM.......Library

Bob’s Club, 7-9PM.......Hall

Fil/Am Choir, 10-11:30AM.......Hall



Memorial of St. Jean-Baptiste Marie Vianney (The Cure of Ars), Priest
Tue., 8/4 - Pray for your parish priests!


Memorial of St. Dominic, Priest - religious founder - Sat., 8/8

Readings for next SUNDAY, 19TH OF THE YEAR
Wisdom 18:6-9
Hebrews 11:1-2, 8-19
Luke 12:32-48

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