St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

JUNE 21, 1998
Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners,

Thank you to all the men of the Parish who have helped to build a retaining wall in the middle school yard. Because of the storms, the hillside to the west was sliding and a major task resulted. Special thanks to Dan Murtaugh, Ron Mondfrans and Terry Smerdel, who made it possible to hold down the considerable cost of this project.

Congratulations to Father Thomas Moran, who was assigned to us for a few years as a priest in residence. He has been appointed Pastor of St. Charles in San Carlos. This reminds me to tell you that Fr. Padazinski continues to work on his Doctorate in Canon Law in Rome and that Father Tarantino is now the Pastor of St. Hilary’s in Tiburon.

In the very near future, we hope to begin work on the back wall of the sanctuary of our church. As you can see in the model that is displayed in the vestibule of the Church, eight windows will be installed - four to each side of the marble. If you would like to have a window dedicated in memory of someone you love, please contact me. We are asking $2,500 as a donation for each window. We will use the $5,000 that was pledged above our Parish goal for the Annual Appeal to dedicate two of the windows in honor of the Sisters of St. Francis, who first staffed our Parish school and in honor of the Sisters of the Presentation, who continue to serve our Parish. If you would like to make a donation of any amount of $100 or more toward the construction of the new wall in memory of someone or in thanksgiving for God’s blessing to your family, please send a check to the Parish specifying the name to be listed on the memorial plaque that will be placed on the side wall of the sanctuary. The total cost of the project will be in the area of $65,000.

Our second annual contest for the parish bulleting from the furthest away parish begins again. Last year, Germany was the place with Malta second. A prize will be given - symbolic!

Fr. Vincent Ring



We have heard the Lord’s command, "Love your neighbor as yourself." In our linked and limited world, loving our neighbor has global implications. In faith, we know our neighbors live in Rwanda and Sudan, in East Timor and China, in Bosnia and Central America, as well as across our country and next door. Baptism, confirmation and continuing participation in the body of Christ calls us to action for "the least among us" without regard for boundaries or borders.



Seton Medical Center is offering two eight-week sessions for individuals who have recently experienced the death of a loved one. The first series begins June 23, second series on September 1. For further information call (650) 991-6828.


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This year’s Parish Picnic will be held on August 29th at Beckner Shelter. Please mark your calendars!!!

Picnic lunch provided by the parish. More information to follow. Please call Trish Estelita at if you would like to help.



With summer upon us, it is important to note that the Rectory will be the Scrip drop off & pick up location. Your orders must be delivered to the Rectory by Friday at 4 PM. Scrip can be picked up the following Friday between 9 AM & 4 PM. Any questions, call Sandra Timko or Carol Galletta. THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT...HAVE A GREAT SUMMER!


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Monday 6:30 All Fathers
8:30 Ida Barbieri †
Tuesday 6:30 James Borg †
8:30 All Fathers
Wednesday 6:30 All Fathers
8:30 Alice Christenson †
Thursday 6:30 Anita Bianchi †
8:30 All Fathers
Friday 6:30 All Fathers
8:30 Geraldine Perata †
Saturday 8:30 All Fathers
4:30 Vic Schaukowitch †
Sunday 7:30 People of St. Robert's
9:00 All Fathers
10:30 Ralph Capella †
12:00 Marian Mahoney †
5:30 James Voight †

For those wishing Masses, we have a few available in June and several for the rest of the year. Please come by the Rectory to schedule a Mass.



We welcome into the family of God, Robert Jauregui. Xavier Beaubien-Rodriguez,Virginia Xuereb and Kyle Vickery who were baptized in Christ.

We pray for the ill: Blake Interdonato, IIlar Schoenstein, Don Landers, Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Margarita Velez, Sandra Dill, Jane Bousquet, Beverly Dias, and Tim Scully.

We pray for the repose of the souls of Mary Kern and Carmen R. Vasquez and offer our sympathy to their families.

We pray that God may bless and strenghten all fathers. May He give them the joy of knowing that their many sacrifices will be rewarded in the life to come.


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We welcome you into St. Robert’s Family and ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, in the mail, or at the Parish office. We will mail a New Parishioner Packet with information about the Parish, its organizations and groups.



If you have someone in your family or a close friend, or a neighbor who is interested in becoming a Catholic, or if you know adults who were baptized and have not received First Communion or Confirmation, why not invite them to our R.C.I.A.? Unbaptized adults are welcome also. This program will begin in September. We are accepting candidates throughout the coming months. Spread the word. Leave names and phone numbers with the Parish Office. Rusty Duffey will make contact with applicants.



As a gift of love to fathers and grandfathers still with us and those in heaven, Novena cards may be found in the vestibule of the Church. Any donations received wil be for obtaining new white vestments.



Congratulations to Erning & Juanita Ortiz on their 50th Wedding Anniversary; to Alfred & Mercedes Biagi on their 40th Wedding Anniversary; and to Ray & Maxine Driscoll, who will be celebrating their 45th Wedding Anniversary on July 4th.



Joy’s daughter, Davida, delivered a beautiful baby girl Wednesday, June 10th. The baby’s name is Marissa Kathleen . Our best wishes to Joy and her family.


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TUESDAY, June 23rd
Legion of Mary, 6:30 PM.......Library

WEDNESDAY, June 24th
Choir, 7:30 PM.....Church

THURSDAY, June 25th
FilAm, 7:00 PM....Hall

FRIDAY, June 26th
Bob’s Club, 7:00 PM.....Hall

SUNDAY, June 28th
FilAm Choir Practice 10:00 AM....Hall

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