St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, October 15, 2006

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

October 15, 2006
28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Friends:

Once again, we sit together on our deck warmed by the Autumn sun; listening to the song of the birds; reveling in the beauty of our yellow, golden and rust-colored chrysanthemums; breathing in the sweet fragrance of fallen leaves. What peace surrounds us! As we sip our tea, we are aware that October is Respect Life month and we see why this particular month was so designated. We agree it is glorious to be alive at this time, in this place!

God tells us He is our Father, who is always with us. Because of His great love for us, He sent His Son Jesus into our human life. Jesus understands all our weaknesses and suffering—He has experienced it all! Through His suffering and death, Jesus became one with us. All we need to do is call out to Jesus—He is listening.

This very day, Jesus is with the woman facing an unexpected pregnancy and with her baby. He is with the hungry, the thirsty, the lonely and the homeless; with those who are oppressed by addiction to drugs or alcohol; and with people living under the threat of violence, terrorism or war; with children who have been neglected or abused; with the prisoner awaiting execution; with the frail, elderly who can no longer take care of themselves and with those who are terminally ill in their final hours. He is beside us also as we experience the joy of our Father’s creation.

Jesus lives our life with us; our life at all its stages. He asks us to open our eyes that we may see Him in everyone who suffers. He wants us to reach out to them and help them—for it is in these precious children of God that Jesus lives!!!


Thank you & love,
Gene & Anna May



In Thanksgiving for all you do
the parish staff will be giving a reception in your honor
November 12th In Hennessy Hall at 2:00 p.m.

Please join us so that we may thank you!!!!


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Monday - October 16
Readings: Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31—5:1     Lk 11:29-32

Mass Intention
Mark Garvey †
In Thanksgiving

Tuesday - October 17
Readings: Gal 5:1-6     Lk 11:37-41

Mass Intention 6:30am
Maxima Simon †
Deacon Jack Bourne †
Adult Ed
Rel Ed - Grades 1-5
Legion of Mary
Rel Ed - Grades 6-8
Adult Ed
5pm Choir Practice
Mary's Chapel
Church & Hall
Convent Chapel

Wednesday - October 18
Readings: 2 Tm 4:10-17b     Lk 10:1-9

Mass Intention 6:30am
Payapa Ticzon Ligon †
Mary Daly †
Children's Choir
Choir Practice
Scripture Study
Convent Chapel

Thursday - October 19
Readings: Eph 1:1-10     Lk 11:47-54

Mass Intention 6:30am
Joselito DeLeon Palisoe †
Agatha Duffey †
School Board Meeting
Convent Chapel
Mahoney Room

Friday - October 20
Readings: Eph 1:11-14     Lk 12:1-7

Mass Intention 6:30am
St. Jude Thaddeus †
Agatha Duffey †
Confirmation Rehearsal 3:00pm Church/Hall

Saturday - October 21
Readings: Eph 1:15-23     Lk 12:8-12

Mass Intention 8:30am
Agatha Duffey †
John G. Keck †
Computer Class
AA Meeting
Consolation Ministry
Computer Room
Mahoney Room
Convent Chapel

Sunday - October 22
Readings: Is 53:10-11     Heb 4:14-16     Mk 10:35-45

Mass Intention 7:30am
Mary Helen Carraro †
Santiago Berasategui †
Sandra Seymour †
People of St. Robert's
Fil/Am Choir
Anointing of the Sick

As a Parish Community we pray…..for those who have grown old and frail and for all shut-ins. May we cherish them and visit them as bearers of God’s love.



Mia Elizabeth Garcia
Alyssa Marie Smith
Alyssa Virginia Kimoto
Sebastian Nevaeh Morales



Tania Mercado & Omar Hernandez


Our sincere sympathy to the family of
Esther Martinez
who died recently.

Dear Parishioners

We continue to ask each week that parishioners pray for the chronically ill of our parish. If you have a friend or loved one in need of our parish prayers please call the Rectory at 589-2800.

Also, please remember our Emergency prayer network that prays for specific intentions that require a concerted effort due to their critical nature. To facilitate the network, please call Michele Pipinich. The network people then pray frequently for the next 72 hours. We would appreciate a return call with the outcome so we can praise God for His faithfulness.



On October 1, 1989, Cardinal Joseph Bernardin said the following and it holds true today: “No earthly value is more fundamental than human life itself...if one must choose between protecting or serving lesser human values that depend upon life for their existence and life itself, human life must take precedence...the consistent ethic of life includes, in addition to abortion, such topics as euthanasia, the Church and technology, violence in our culture, the changing America family, and the Church’s concern for the short, I exhort you to decide for life.”



One of the excellent suggestions given through the parish survey was that we highlight the ministries and organizations our parish has been blessed with twice a month . This week we highlight


The RCIA is the preparation program for adults over 18, to become fully initated Catholics. We help prepare them to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion.

For our Candidates who have been baptized in other Christian faiths; we work with them toward Full Communion in the Catholic Church.

For Catholics who just need the Sacrament of Confirmation, we will work with you and help prepare you for Confirmation next year at St. Mary’s Cathedral in San Francisco on Pentecost Sunday, May 27th with Archbishop George Niederauer.

We meet as a group for discussion and instruction every Thursday from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Convent Chapel. This year we have 5 candidates and 5 team members.

We will be happy to answer your questions after Mass in front of the church. If you know of someone who might be interested in our program, please have him or her contact Deacon Rusty Duffey at (650) 589-2800.



11:30 Mass, Sunday, October 22nd

“Heal the Sick!” Jesus has charged His Church to take care of those who are ill by accompanying them with her prayers of intercession in His Name. The Anointing of the Sick is for anyone who begins to be in danger of death from illness or the aging process. Graces derived from the Sacrament are: renewed hope, strength, peace and courage to overcome the difficulties of serious illness or the frailty of advanced years; a closer union with the suffering of Christ; sanctification and often the restoration of health and preparation for our journey to eternal life. Our Parish Anointing Mass will take place at 11:30 am on Sunday, October 22nd. All who are ill in mind or body or who are experiencing the affects of aging are invited to receive this Sacrament.


October 29th after 11:30 Mass

The Grownups’ Annual Communion Luncheon will be held on October 29th in Hennessy Hall after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. It will be catered by the InBetweeners. The price is $12.50– per person and tickets will be sold after all Masses on October 14 and 15th and 21st and 22nd or call, Vera Hannon, Helen Mantler or Dolores Moynihan.


Thursday, November 2nd
7:30 p.m.

November is traditionally the month set aside by our Church to commemorate and celebrate the memories of our departed loved ones. We will have a special Mass on All Souls Day, Thursday, November 2 at 7:30 p.m. to which all are invited. The names of those buried from St. Robert’s in the past year will be read aloud by members of our Consolation Ministry and their names will be inscribed in a Memorial Book placed in Our Lady’s alcove in the church. Their names will also be posted on the walls, so we will be reminded of our departed loved ones each time we enter the church and they, symbolically, will surround us with their presence.

We are asking two favors from you, the parishioners. We have recorded the names of those buried from Saint Robert’s during the past year, but would like to remember all of your loved ones who have been buried or cremated from any other church or funeral home during the past year. Please call, e-mail or fax their names to the rectory or to Sister Patricia before October 25. This will give Emil Ruggiero time to prepare the St. Robert’s Wall of Remembrance for us before November l.

Also, everyone is invited to honor your beloved dead by bringing photos, memorial cards or flowers to place in this shrine throughout the month of November.

“It is a holy
And wholesome thought
To pray for the dead.”


October 21st

Saint Robert’s Grief Support Group in the Convent Chapel from 3-4:15 p.m. (before the 4:30 p.m. Mass). Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one-spouse, sibling, child, parent, friend or relative is invited to come and pray, share, comfort and be comforted. You are invited to bring a companion for support and strength. God bless and comfort you in your sorrow. Call Sister Patricia 589-104 or any of the Consolation Ministry Committee.


Sunday, November 5th
8am - 1:30pm
Mark Your Calendars

  Donor Requirements:
Be Healthy
  Weigh at least 110 lbs.
  Drink extra fluids
  Eat a healthy meal
  Bring identification

Toddlers, Infants, Preschoolers, and Parents Social

Join TIPPS for our Halloween get-together!! Friday, October 27, 2005, 6:30 PM in 
Hennessy Hall. It’s a potluck so please bring an item to share with six people, and 
a toy for your child to play with
We would love to see the kids in costume! (Bring 
your camera/camcorder)Feel free to invite new TIPPSters! See you then!! For more 
information, contact Andrew or Ana Kimoto.



Our annual parish Women’s Retreat will take place at Mercy Center, Burlingame from 8:30 am to 3 pm on Saturday, November 18. This is a great opportunity to have time for yourself, for God and for rejuvenating conversation with other women of the parish. Fliers and online registration will be available NEXT weekend, but please mark your calendar now!




If you have moved, changed your name or your political party, you need to re-register. If you will have turned 18 by November 7, are newly a resident of California or a citizen of the United States, you need to register. Forms are in the vestibule of the church. They need to be completed and received at the Registration and Elections Office by October 22.



The Alzheimer’s Association is offering their Annual Education Conference from 8 am to 3 pm that same day at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Foster City. Registration fees are $35 by Oct. 30 and $50 at the door. Please see Sr. Patricia or Sr. Sheral who have fliers available.


Our Journey with Jesus
We are familiar with today’s gospel of the rich young man. Note that he is a good man, who has kept all the commandments. Jesus looks at him and loves him, the passage says, and invites him to go one step further. Are we “off the hook” since most of us don’t have great riches? Not at all, argues Fr. Jude Siciliano, OP, who responds, “he is talking to poor people and he wants them to shift their attention and ways of thinking about their relationship with God.” At that time, the rich were considered blessed by God and the poor thought to be outside God’s loving gaze. The rich man was invited to leave behind his security, possessions and relationships with other wealthy people for a life on the road with Jesus, the ridicule of respected religious leaders and relationships with the ragtag group of followers. And for us, Fr. Jude asks, “What are the “riches” we cling to, the distractions that keep us from a more serious search for God and doing God’s will in the world?” Obviously, for most of us, it would be irresponsible to give everything away and hit the road. But on our daily journey, do we let the Lord look at us and love us in moments of prayer, and do we listen for his invitation which may be different for each of us? Can we imagine ourselves as his instruments? Do we see him in our fellow-travelers, especially those we don’t particularly care for? Do we take a few moments, even in the shower, if need be, to remember our call to serve him? Do any of our possessions possess us, separating us from others, keeping us from living the gospel as we wish?

Sr. Sheral

Training for New Liturgical Ministers
Pat Vallez-Kelly will be one of the speakers at both the training for new Eucharistic ministers on Oct. 21 and new lectors on Oct. 28. Sessions are from 9 am to 3:30 pm at Mater Dolorosa Church, 307 Willow Ave. So. San Francisco; the parish will gladly cover the fee. Please call the rectory or see Sr. Sheral to sign up by Tuesday, the 16th.

For Respect Life Month
“I was a low-income mom at the time. And if I hadn’t gotten food stamps and health care, I would have aborted that child. I would have aborted my daughter. And now she’s graduating from Harvard. I want you to tell people that if they want to prevent abortions, they need to support low-income women like me.” Told to Jim Wallis, Sojourners e-mail, Oct. 4, 2006

If you know a woman experiencing a difficult pregnancy, please take one of the fliers in the magazine rack which lists many resources available to her.

If you knit or crochet, here is a wonderful opportunity for you to make caps for newborns in developing countries who oftentimes die from the cold. Just log onto and you can download the patterns. If you have friends who crochet or knit, please pass this information on to them.


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July 1st to October 8th (goal)
July 1st to October 8th (actual)
7/1/06-6/30/07 Weekly Goal
Collection (actual 10/08)


Go to and click on the e-contributions button. The first page explains the details. There is a button to take you to the e-paluch registration page. You can register online using either your checking account or credit card.

There is no cost to you for this service.


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Call the Rectory at 589-2800 or sign-up on the web site at to help


Centerplate 2006 Schedule

Nov. 5
Nov. 19
Dec. 10
49ers vs Vikings
49ers vs Seahawks
49ers vs Packers

Name:_________________________________Home Phone:___________________

Cell Phone:_______________Email:_______________________________________

Dress Code: Full length black slacks, (jeans or spandex are not permitted), white shirt with collar, closed toe comfortable shoes (preferably black or white).

We will car pool from the rectory. For those working in San Francisco, you can meet the group at the gate. Volunteers between 16-21 years of age must provide a copy of a picture id which includes his/her birth date.

Our Centerplate totals:
Baseball: $26,663.20
49er Training Camp: $7,282.71
49er games: $6,768.45
for a total of: $40,714.36
Thanks to the many people who have volunteered.


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October 21st and 22nd

Saturday, 4:30 p.m. Mass

Presider Fr. Healy
Eucharistic Ministers R. Hanley (C), J. Waldvogel, R. Aveson,
J. Beltrano, D. Hageman, M. Murphy,
R. Larsen, B. Larsen, C. Holland
Lectors C. Aveson and J. Scanlan
Altar Servers R. Brown and L. Belluomini

Sunday, 7:30 a.m. Mass

Presider Fr. Marini
Eucharistic Ministers E. Ruggiero (C), L. Quintana, B. Albright,
M. Nunnery, R. Jardin
Lectors S. Kelly and R. Rolfes
Altar Servers J. Landholt and A. McAlindon
Sunday, 9:30 a.m. Mass
Presider Msgr. Dreier
Eucharistic Ministers K. Semenza (C), A. Solis, M. Zamattia,
M. Blumenthal, G. Sinks, S. Murray,
T. Jones, G. Tolentino, J. Kelly
Lectors J. Marty and J. Shick
Altar Servers A. Silva, D. Foglesong, M. McHale
Little Church Little: Terry, Middle: Darlene
Sunday, 11:30 a.m. Mass
Presider Fr. Marini
Eucharistic Ministers M. Giusti (C), L. Sing, J. Yee, G. May,
B. Chester, R. Benavente, L. Welch,
H. Madayag, A. Maron, V/L Piccinini
Lectors M. Benavente and B. Baxter
Altar Servers F. Nuti and D. Cuddy

Sunday, 5:00 p.m. Mass

Presider Msgr. Dreier
Eucharistic Ministers M. Salvato (C), B. Rodriguez, I. Reyes,
R. Atkinson, E. Donnelly, T. Thompson,
M. Santiago, V. Hawkins, C. Hawkins
Lector H. Lowood
Altar Servers A. Diaz and J. Heffernan

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