St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, May 16, 2004

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

May 16, 2004
Sixth Sunday of Easter


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Dear Parishioners,

"Who is she that comes forth
as the morning rising,
fair as the moon,
bright as the sun,
terrible as an army
set in battle array?"
(Song 6:10)

Congratulations to the Legion of Mary on their 1000th weekly meeting on April 27, 2004. This was a very special accomplishment. The Legion of Mary was started in St. Robert's almost twenty years ago and has continued faithfully ever since. St. Robert's Praesidium is called Mater Ecclesiae or Mother of the Church. As many of you already know the Legion of Mary was founded in Dublin, Ireland by a young lay man, Frank Duff, in 1921. Frank Duff was an active member of the Saint Vincent de Paul where he was led to a deeper commitment to his Catholic faith and at the same time he acquired a great sensitivity to the needs of the poor and underprivileged. Since the early 1920's the Legion and devotion to Our Blessed Mother has flourished and spread through out the entire world.

We at Saint Robert's are very fortunate to have 12 (8 women and 4 men) active members and sixty-three auxiliary members. Each Legionary has a sincere and ardent devotion to Our Blessed Mother and work under her guidance as they visit the sick and elderly, either in their homes, in the hospitals and in the nursing homes. They pray the rosary daily. They endeavor to bring the Good News to their work place and spread the love of God wherever they are. They are a powerhouse of prayer for the parish and community.

As the Legion of Mary embarks on their next "1000" phase of meetings and prayer we ask God and His Blessed Mother to bless and guide them as they continue to pray and work for the people of St. Robert's. If you are interested in becoming a member please call 589-2800.

Sister Patricia


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Monday - May 17
Readings: Acts 16:11-15     Jn 15:26--16

Mass Intention
All Mothers
Cecilia Latreille †
Incoming Kindergarten
Parent Orientation Mtg.
6:30p Mahoney Room
Tuesday - May 18
Readings: Acts 16:22-34     Jn 16:5-11
Mass Intention 6:30
All Mothers
Kathleen Sullivan †
Religious Education
Legion of Mary
Festival Band Rehearsal
Choir Rehearsal
Wednesday - May 19
Readings: Acts 17:15,22--18     Jn 16:12-15
Mass Intention 6:30
Walter Moniz †
Pasquale & Maria Aloise †
Choir Practice
8th Gr. Party Mtg.

Thursday - May 20
Readings: Acts 18:1-8     Jn 16:16-20

Mass Intention 6:30
John & Mary Moniz †
Deacon Jack Bourne †
Religious Education

Friday - May 21
Readings: Acts 18:9-18     Jn 16:20-23

Mass Intention 6:30
Ana Maria Montoya †
Veronica Schaukowitch †
8th Grade Grad. Meeting 6:00p Hall

Saturday - May 22
Readings: Acts 18:23-28     Jn 16:23b-28

Mass Intention 8:30
Paul & Rosina Vella †
Teresa & Andre Galea †

Sunday - May 23
Readings: Acts 7:55-60     Rv 22:12-14,16-17      Jn 17:20-26

Mass Intention 7:30
People of St. Robert's
Doris & Frank Devencenzi †
Giovanni Mazzetta †
Carmela Dellegrazie †
Fil/Am Choir 10:00a Hall

The Church Is Open

St. Robert's is open from before the 6:30 am Mass until 5pm. As you're going from work or school or are on your way to the park, why not come in and thank the Lord for the gift of life and the beauty of these days?

God's peace will refresh you.


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As a Parish Community, We Pray for our Church, the Body of Christ. Guided by the Holy Spirit, May we courageously preach Christ, Live Christ and Bring all people to Christ.



We would like to update the following list. Please review and call the rectory at 589-2800 if someone you know can be taken off the following list

We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Gabrielle Ausiello, Robert Bacci, Genaro Badiable, Lito Badiable, Marcia Bourne, Maricris Candelaria, Arthur Candia, Carmen Capella, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Cindy Corona, Ana Cosgaya, Walton & June Dickhoff, William & Sandra Dill, Carl Edwards, Joyce Flax, Adela Florez, Jesse Grube, Denise Hawald, Dominique Hauscarriague,Jr, Viko Ivancich, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Sisilia Langi, Shirley Latham, Josephine Lavoie, Austin Lehman, Marky, Michael Martinez, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Terry McLeod, Josie Mercado, Mary Novickas, Thomas O'Brien, David Papageorgiou, Geanne Peterson, Lara Pinten, Jason Pimentel, James Piazza, Bill Reilly, Mary Shick, Pauline Speranza, Justo Tan, Mafi Tukumoatu, Kristi Varni, Don Vickery, Diana Walter, Jennifer Westbrook & Frank Wright.

Dear Parishioners,

Please notify the priesthouse (589-2800) if a loved one is either sick or in the hospital and would like to be visited.

The Parish Priests and Staff



The "Emergency Prayer Network" will pray for your specific intentions whenever some crisis arises in your life. If you call, our group will pray fervently for three days for you and your special intention. Call Michele Pipinich. Let us know how things turn out so that we can praise God for His faithfulness.


Our sincere sympathy to the families of
Gene VanSlett &
Reno Tonegato

who died recently.


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by Sister Sheral

This past week has been filled with beauty and ugliness: the beauty of the First Communicants in their innocence and excitement and the ugliness of the photos on the front pages of our newspapers. What do these two experiences say to us? How might God be speaking through both of them?

The First Communicants might remind us of how freshly they've come from the hand of God. I'm sure that those of you who are parents have marveled at the amazing openness of your little ones towards God and the things of God. How can we as parents, grandparents, and adult friends help them to keep this wonderful relationship as they grow up? Letting them lead grace at mealtimes, encouraging them to express their intentions at bedtime, expressing our own gratitude to God for another year of life during a birthday party, or for a lovely sunset or an intricate flower might nurture their intimate relationship with God.

Our horror at the images from the prison in Baghdad says something important to us. God would never want us to do such things to anyone. Our inherent sense of right and wrong causes us great sadness and outrage, especially as we learned that, according to our own military intelligence, 70 to 90% of those imprisoned are innocent Iraqis caught up in "the fog of war." There will be much discussion about who bears what level of responsibility for these atrocities. In every war, the enemy is always referred to with dehumanizing names, perhaps because if a soldier recognizes this person as a human being like himself, it would be much more difficult to kill him. In this war, framed in such heavily religious terms, it is any wonder that anyone suspected of being on the other side is considered evil? Because Islam places such a high value on modesty, the disgrace of being photographed naked is even more psychologically damaging than it would be for us as North Americans. If those who perpetrated this torture wanted to break their spirits, they have surely succeeded. The norms of their culture will prevent these innocent Iraqis from ever returning to their rightful place in their families and society. The radio carried the story of an American civilian beheaded in retaliation.

From the time immemorial, people have grappled with the problem of evil and the suffering of the innocent. Elie Wiesel, the survivor of Auschwitz, asked where God was during the horrors of the camps. Theologians struggling with that question have no simplistic answer. They can only say, with great humility, that God was with those people as God is with those whose suffering appalls us today. We can pray for all who suffer and die at the hands of those more powerful and for those who use their power to humiliate another. We can be aware of the times each of us denigrates another in smaller ways through gossip or stereotyping or considering another "less" than ourselves and commit ourselves to overcoming that habit. We can make a special effort to greet those from another country who may be subject to hateful stares. Let us pray for this whole, broken world which God loves and the Spirit is trying to guide. And let us not lose hope.


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Would you like to help raise the awareness of vocations in our parish? A new group is forming which will spearhead efforts to increase our prayer for vocations and to embark on some activities to help identify and encourage young adults in our midst who might be experiencing God's call. If active, prayerful parishes and strong families are a foundation for growing in the faith, surely some of our young people must be attracted to lay ministry, religious life, priesthood, and diaconate. If you'd like to be part of this committee, please call the rectory. at 589-2800. Thank you.


(Grief Support Group)

This month's Grief Support Group will meet on Saturday, May 22nd at 3p.m. (Before the 4:30 p.m. Mass) in the Convent Chapel. Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one: spouse, sibling, child, friend or relative is invited to come and pray, share, comfort or be comforted. All who are grieving are invited come and pray with us. If you wish bring a companion. God bless you in your sorrow. Sister Patricia 589-0104.



At our May 25th meeting we will be discussing the "The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Sue Monk Kidd has been described as "an extraordinary storyteller." One book reviewer said "Sue Monk Kidd has written a wonderful novel about mothers and daughters and the transcendent power of love, all the while masterfully illuminating the feminine face of God."

The San Mateo library system has 48 copies, so the book is easily obtainable. We hope everyone can join us on May 25th, 7p.m. in the Convent Chapel. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for the next book, please call Colleen Soracco, book club moderator.



Spiritual Reading is available at Saint Robert's every other Sunday morning after the Masses in the vestibule of the church. Please, take a few minutes and check out an interesting book to read. Thanks to some generous donors we now have 625 books in our collection.



Let us all get together for the early bird dinner at the Hungry Hunter. The address is 180 South Airport in South San Francisco. The time is 4:00 p.m on May 30th. Contact Bunny Moniz.

See you there


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Listed are a few of the food stuffs that we are running low on: jams and jellies, canned vegetables, cereal and oatmeal, peanut butter, spaghetti sauce, juices, packaged cookies, condiments, canned meats and tuna.

We are also collecting Scrip for MOLLYSTONE, ALBERTSON'S, LUNARDI'S, and SAFEWAY. You may make out certificates to Saint Vincent de Paul and either mail them or drop them in the rectory mailbox.

As always, we thank you for your continued generosity and support.


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The Youth Group is going to Great America on Tuesday, June 8th. The cost is $20 per person and that includes admission to the park and transportation. Call Juan, 255-0791, to sign up.

During Teen Room Office Hours, feel free to come to do homework, hang out, socialize, play a game or talk. Teen Room Office Hours are as follows:

Tuesday: 2:30 - 9:30 pm
Wednesday: 2:30 - 4:30 pm
Thursday: 2:30 - 4:30 pm

You can reach Juan, Teen Club director, at 255-0791, or email or


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Please support the social services arm of the Catholic Church by donating generously on Catholic Charities CYO Sunday next week, May 23, 2004. Eight-five cents of every dollar we contribute goes directly into programs that provide relief to homeless families, ailing seniors, immigrants, the working poor, troubled teens and many other clients in need in San Mateo, San Francisco and Marin counties. Your donations will help change someone's life.



If your kids are 7-16 years old, think about CYO Camp for them this summer - swimming, overnight camping, arts and crafts, old-fashioned cook-outs and much more in the beautiful redwoods of Sonoma County. There are five sessions beginning June 22nd. $510 for ten days. Financial assistance is available. Call (707) 874-0240 for more information.


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St. Robert's School has openings for students entering the 5th grade for the 2004-2005 school year. If you are interested in a quality Catholic education for your child, please contact the principal, Mrs. Bordin, at (650) 583-5065.


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2300 Adeline Dr.
Burlingame, Ca 94010
(650) 340-7474

A Retreat for Men - June 3-6
David Keller

Study Day - June 4th
8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Celebrating Diversity
Sister Ishpriya, RSCJ

A Contemplative Retreat - June 4-8
Another World to Live in
Sister Ishpriya, RSCJ

Week Long  - June 13-20
Meditation Intensive
Thomas Hand, S.J.

God for All People - June 19th
10 .m.-4p.m.
Kathleen Denison, MA and Bill Dohar Ph.d

P.O. Box 767
Danville, Ca 94526-0767
(925) 837-9141

Dreams Workshop - June 11-13
Dream with me
Dr. Jeremy Taylor

Married Couples Retreat - June 25-27
My Beloved
Carol Kaplan, MFT
Barry Brunsman, OFM


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We welcome into our Parish:

Shirley Nicholas
Rudy & Tara Milante & Family

If you're new to St. Robert's, we ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, the mail, or at the parish office. We will send you a New Parishioner Packet with information about the parish, its organizations and groups.

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