St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, May 2, 2004

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

May 4, 2004
Fourth Sunday of Easter


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Dear Parishioners,

Because of Bulletin deadlines, I write this before the Parish meeting with the representatives of the Archbishop. Several of you have asked me whether Father Tom Hamilton could possibly be my successor as pastor. As you know, Father Tom belongs to the Marianist religious order. He is completing his second year in the process of switching from the religious order to becoming a priest of the Archdiocese of San Francisco. This process, referred to as incardination, takes five years an assignment at two different parishes. Father is not eligible to be appointed as pastor until this process is complete. I know that the new pastor will rely upon his many talents as I have done. Please remember to pray that the Spirit of God guide the priest Personnel Board and the Archbishop in their choice.

Father Ring


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Monday - May 3
Readings: 1 Cor 15:1-8     Jn 14:6-14

Mass Intention
Jim Whooley †
Mary Eileen Gradishar †
Men's Club 6:00p Hall
Tuesday - May 4
Readings: Acts 11:19-26     Jn 10:22-30
Mass Intention 6:30
James Borg †
Tom & MaryAnne Begley †
Religious Education
Legion of Mary
4th Grade Confessions
Wednesday - May 5
Readings: Acts 12:24--13:5a     Jn 12:44-50
Mass Intention 6:30
Emma Johnson †
In Thanksgiving
Grief Group
Choir Practice
8th Grade Party Meeting
Mary's Chapel
Mahoney Room

Thursday - May 6
Readings: Acts 13:13-25     Jn 13:16-20

Mass Intention 6:30
Dorothy Moniz †
Rita Fambrini †
Religious Education
Parish Planning Meeting

Friday - May 7
Readings: Acts 13:26-33     Jn 14:1-6

Mass Intention 6:30
George Mitchell †
Giuseppe Pignati †
Toddlers & Parents Party 6:00p Hall

Saturday - May 8
Readings: Acts 13:44-52     Jn 14:7-14

Mass Intention 8:30
Manuel Falzon †
All Mothers
First Eucharist 10&12 Church

Sunday - May 9
Readings: Acts 14:21-27     Rv 21:1-5a     Jn 13:31-33a

Mass Intention 7:30
All Mothers
All Mothers
All Mothers
All Mothers
Fil/Am Choir 10:00a Hall

The Church Is Open

St. Robert's is open from before the 6:30 am Mass until 5pm. As you're going from work or school or are on your way to the park, why not come in and thank the Lord for the gift of life and the beauty of these days?

God's peace will refresh you.


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As a Parish Community, We Pray...on this World Day of prayer for vocations, that many men and women will be guided by the Holy Spirit to give their lives in the service of God's people.



We pray for the ill: Sharon Aiello, Marilyn Arancibia, Gabrielle Ausiello, Robert Bacci, Genaro Badiable, Lito Badiable, Marcia Bourne, Maricris Candelaria, Arthur Candia, Carmen Capella, Josie Clarke, Nan Connolly, Cindy Corona, Ana Cosgaya, Walton & June Dickhoff, William & Sandra Dill, Carl Edwards, Joyce Flax, Adela Florez, Jesse Grube, Denise Hawald, Dominique Hauscarriague,Jr, Viko Ivancich, Joanne Johnson, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Sisilia Langi, Shirley Latham, Josephine Lavoie, Austin Lehman, Marky, Michael Martinez, Kathryn McCann, Daniel McHale, Rosemary McHale, Terry McLeod, Josie Mercado, Mary Novickas, Thomas O'Brien, David Papageorgiou, Geanne Peterson, Lara Pinten, Jason Pimentel, James Piazza, Bill Reilly, Mary Shick, Pauline Speranza, Justo Tan, Mafi Tukumoatu, Gene VanSlett, Kristi Varni, Don Vickery, Diana Walter, Jennifer Westbrook & Frank Wright.


Our sincere sympathy to the family of
Jim Brown
who died recently.


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by Sister Sheral

Scripture Group
Some of us so enjoyed our Lenten scripture group that we decided to continue gathering to learn more about the readings and share our reflections. You're welcome to join us each Thursday morning at 9:15 am in Mary's Chapel. If you'd like to join us, please come having read the readings for the coming Sunday. The citations are printed each week in the parish bulletin beneath the intentions. If you have questions, please call Sr. Sheral at 650-589-2800. No previous experience necessary!

Attention 4:30 Mass Participants!
Some of you long-timers will recall the Nametag Sundays of years ago. On Saturday, May 22, the Men's Club will be hosting this opportunity to get to meet the people you've smiled at for years at the 4:30 pm Mass and to become more informed about the many active groups we have here in the parish. We'll be asking everyone who comes to wear a nametag, then after Mass, refreshments will be served outside the main entrance of the church.

Easter Continues
The Church, wise teacher that she is, gives us 40 days to prepare for Easter and 50 days to celebrate the Resurrection! This is the Fourth Sunday of Easter, also called Good Shepherd Sunday because of the gospel. Who has been a shepherd for you when you've been tempted to go astray? For whom are you a good shepherd? With whom do you share your Easter hope? Say an extra prayer for those people this weekend.


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Dear Parish Family,

HAPPY EASTER! Though April 11th has come and gone, I hope the joy of Easter is still alive in your heart and daily life and that your Easter was filled with grace, blessing, and family. This Easter was very powerful for me, thanks in large part to the services we had here at St. Robert's. The community atmosphere at the Soup Suppers, the devotion shown on Holy Thursday, the power of the Stations of the Cross testimonials, the emotional Passion Play, and the beauty of seeing so many new members initiated into our Church at the Easter Vigil, all made my Easter more meaningful than ever. For me the experience was culminated by seeing eighty (80) of our Teens be Confirmed last weekend by Bishop Wester.

As I reflect on Easter, I often think about the time I finally understood the true meaning of the feast. In 2001, during my Sophomore year in college, I received a phone call telling me one of my Riordan brothers had passed away. A drunk driver hit him on his way home from school and he and his girlfriend were killed. None of my friends nor I ever thought we'd face the death of one of our own. The grieving process was very long, but Easter made a lot more sense to me that year and brought a lot more hope and clarity.

While preparing for Easter, my schedule was very hectic. I traveled to New York for Wrestle Mania XX. The theme for the event was "Where it all begins...AGAIN." And for me that is what Easter is all about. Easter is our rejuvenation, it is our time to remember, rejoice, and renew: remembering how Christ had to suffer, rejoicing in His triumph over death, and the renewing promise that He is always with us, no matter what.

I also saw the "Lion King'" stage play. One of the songs in the show is entitled "He Lives in You." The song is about two characters, father and son, named Musafa and Simba. To me that title applies to us today. Christ lives in us and is with us each day, in every person we meet. I read a poster once that said, "How can we worship a homeless person on Sunday and ignore one on Monday?"

Even though Easter day is over, I hope the joy of fresh new life, love and happiness lasts all year.

Juan Santos

P.S. The highlight of the last month was visiting our students at Serra High.

I would like to thank everyone who supported our Teens, by purcahsing tickets to the Giants/Dodgers game. Even though we lost, I hope everyone had fun. The money is going to help the cost of our Great America trip and I am very grateful, as are our Teens, for your support.

The Youth Group is going to Great America on Tuesday, June 8th. The cost is $20 per person and that includes admission to the park and transportation. Call Juan, 225-0791, to sign up.

In a special way, we welcome all 8th graders to the Youth Group. We congratulate them on their upcoming graduation, we wish them success in High School, and look forward to seeing them at Youth Group events.


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Mother's Day is Sunday, May 9th. If you would like to remember your mother or a loved one in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass offered at St. Robert's on this special day, spiritual bouquet cards may be found in the vestibule of the church.


(Grief Support Group)

The Consolation Ministry Committee will meet in Mary's Chapel Wednesday morning, May 5th from 9 to 10 a.m. Any one wishing to join this group is very welcome.

Next month's Grief Support Group will take place on Saturday, May 22nd at 3p.m. (Before the 4:30 p.m. Mass) in the Convent Chapel. Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one-spouse, sibling, child, friend or relative is invited to come and pray, share, comfort or be comforted. All who are grieving are invited come and pray with us. You are welcomed to bring a companion, if you so wish. God bless you in your sorrow. Sister Patricia 589-0104.



Spiritual Reading is available at Saint Robert's every other Sunday morning after the Masses in the vestibule of the church. Please, take a few minutes and check out an interesting book to read. Thanks to some generous donors we now have 625 books in our collection. Thanks a million to all those who donated and shared their inspirational books with others.

**This week you should look for George Maloney's books: "Reflective Healing", "Broken but Loved", "In Jesus We Trust" and "Inward Stillness"



Grand Prize:
1st Prize:
2nd Prize:
3rd Prize:
Weekend Baja Cruise
Francine and Jeff Wooley
Las Vegas Weekend for 2
M. J. Idiart
2-night stay at Konocti
Kathy Hanley
$150 Mollie Stone Certificate
John and Aurita Coates


Do you or someone you know within the parish have knowledge of digital photography, computer skills, graphics and advertising? If so, contact Annetta at 583-3553 and plan on attending our next meeting May 11th at 7:30p.m. in the 6th grade classroom.

We NEED and WELCOME your help


You and your children are cordially invited to attend our


Friday, May 7th at 7p.m. in Hennessy Hall

R.S.V.P. to the Rectory at 589-2800 by May 4th


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Is there a senior in your life whose safety and care need monitoring? Licensed therapists, social workers, registered nurses and gerontologists work together to help elders stay at home by providing a range of care solutions counseling and home care services. Sliding scale fees. Call (650) 592-9325 for more information.


Statement of Archbishop William J Levada on
Seeking of Death Penalty in Killing of
San Francisco Police Officer Isaac Espinoza

The question of whether Police Officer Isaac Espinoza's killer should undergo the penalty of death for his crime is one that has galvanized our city. On April 16, I sat in the Archbishop's chair in St. Mary's Cathedral, looking out on a sea of San Francisco Police Department uniforms, to mourn, honor and remember the heroic sacrifice of Officer Espinoza, and to speak a word of comfort and healing to his family, friends and colleagues.

Senator Feinstein's remarks calling for the death penalty for his killer surprised me, and they did many others present that morning. I could certainly understand and sympathize with the spontaneous reaction of row after row of uniformed officers who rose to applaude. I thought to myself, if I were a cop at this funeral today, I too would probably be on my feet clapping.

But I was there as a Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco, and I found myself one of a handful who sat with hands clasped during a moment charged with unexpected emotion. Why? Certainly not out of disrespect for the police, who I praised and thanked for daily placing their lives on the line to protect the rest of us from harm, and crime, and a lawless society. Certainly not out of lack of compassion for the sorrowing wife and parents, family and friends of Officer Espinoza, victims too of a society in which violent death is all to commonplace.

I am sorry to see District Attorney Kamala Harris' decision not to seek the death penalty for Espinoza's killer become an issue of further division in our City. There should be no division among us about the need for this crime to be punished, nor about the need to reduce the lawless behavior that makes the resort to violence and death too common in our society.

District Attorney Harris has a conviction about the death penalty shared by many of us. It is a penalty that serves to protect society from dangerous criminals. But so does the penalty of life in prison without, the possibility of parole. Where these two penalties differ, in the minds of many of us, is in the message they send The death penalty sends a message of vengeance, of responding to violence with "an eye for an eye."

It is a perfectly understandable human emotion. We see it played out on a geopolitical scale in too many places, for example, in the ongoing, escalating exchange between retaliatory strikes by Israelis against Palestinians, and suicide bombers from Palestine in Israel buses and restaurants. For many of us, the death penalty raised fundamental questions: Is it the only way to achieve justice? Is it the best way to achieve justice?

For me, and I suppose for Ms. Harris and many others in the city and in our nation, the answer is no. The better way is the way that reduces the cycle of violence, that does not seek a response of taking a life for a life.

I do not judge people who seek the penalty of death for such a heinous crime to be wrong or immoral. Civilizations throughout the history have employed capital punishment to redress violations of the good order of society by crimes like this. Our country grew up with an every-expanding frontier where frontier justice seemed the only way to inculcate the lesson that crime doesn't pay.

But now this "Frontier" City at the Golden Gate has a chance to look for a better way. Ms. Harris wants to lead us to face down and punish a terrible crime of violence in a non-violent way. I think we should support her in this conviction.

Does this honor the memory of Officer Espinoza less? Of course not. All of us who joined hands and voices and hearts at St. Mary's Cathedral around his lifeless body were there to honor him, to remember him, to pray for him. Now I also pray that the question of how justice should be done to his killer will not further divide this City, especially those who are public servants pledged to see that justice is done, on the streets and in the courts.

My own thinking on the issue of the death penalty has changed over time. When I read the words of Pope John Paul II in his 1995 Encyclical Letter "The Gospel of Life", I had to ponder hard about his invitation to look for a better way: "If bloodless means are sufficient to defend human lives against an aggressor and to protect public order and the safety of persons, public authority must limit itself to such means, because they better correspond to the concrete conditions of the common good and are more in conformity with the dignity of the human person."

Officer Espinoza's death epitomizes the saying of Jesus, "No greater love has anyone than to lay down one's life for one's friends." A grateful city is proud of him.

I am proud of District Attorney Harris as well. Even when citizens disagree about the death penalty in general, or about whether it is the appropriate penalty in this case, I hope we can stand together, and let anger and emotion yield to unity in our support of the heroes who are willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect us and the people of the city of St. Francis, the man of peace whose example we try to follow as best we can.

Most Reverend William J. Levada
Archbishop of San Francisco
April 23, 2004

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