St. Robert's Church Bulletin, January 28, 2001

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

January 28, 2001
Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners,

Sunday, a neighbor calls after receiving a frantic call from the relative of another elderly neighbor. They had not been able to contact their loved one. Neighbors become concerned and do what they can to investigate. A fire truck pulls up in front of the home. Silent prayers are quickly initiated. The woman is found on the floor where she had laid for several hours after falling. She is recovering in Peninsula Hospital.

Many people contributed to her recovery. Some contribute with their talents and skills. Some contributed with their prayers. All were and are important. All were and are needed.

Last week’s gospel was about each of us being part of the Body of Christ. There is no person too insignificant to be loved by God. We are all asked to share that same love with one another, no matter what our talents, gifts or skills.

As members of the Body of Christ, we do have an effect on each other. When we wake up in the morning, we have no idea what God has in store for us. Be prepared, as we might be called upon to be God’s loving presence to someone today. Remember, there is no such thing as an insignificant person on the eyes of God.

Deacon Duffey


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Dear Parishioners ,

The Parish Finance Council and Building Committee continue to study the feasibility of building a Parish Educational Center and Social Recreational Center. The Parish Council also spent most of their last meeting discussing the topic. At this time, the cost factor has caused us to look into alternatives to the original plan and, therefore, the decision making process is taking far longer than originally planned. I will keep you informed.

Father Ring


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1/29 Monday 6:30 Jim Selleck †
8:30 Ernesto & Esther Carneiro †
1/30 Tuesday 6:30 Gertrude Cummings (L)
8:30 Eiuseppe Pignati †
1/31 Wednesday 6:30 Walter Bond †
8:30 Ost Family & Flight 261 †
2/01 Thursday 6:30 George Rose †
8:30 James Miller †
2/02 Friday 6:30 Dermot Hanafin (L)
8:30 Francisco & Clarita Remedios †
2/03 Saturday 8:30 Paul & Rosina Vella †
4:30 George Brocato †
2/04 Sunday 7:30 Maria Emilio †
9:00 People of St. Robert's
10:30 Lio Marroni †
12:00 Filip & Kristina Viducic †
5:30 James Ruggiero †

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Isaiah 6:1-8; 1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Luke 5:1-11

The US bishops’ pastoral on stewardship reinforces today’s reading from I Corinthians:

"Because its individual members do collectively make up the Body of Christ, that body’s health and well-being are the responsibility of the members - - the personal responsibility of each one of us. We are all stewards of the Church."

As a Parish Community, We Pray.....

For the children of our parish, for their parents and their teachers.....In the spirit of truth, wisdom and love, may they teach one another.

We Welcome the Newly Baptized: Teo & Elijah Vargas

We Pray for the Ill : Marilyn Arancibia, Bastiaan Blumenthal, Marcia Bourne, Ann Burns, Sister Cabrini, Arthur Candia, Ana Cosgaya, Imelda Daly, William & Sandra Dill, Adela Florez, Elsie Grech, Randall Guerro, Denise Hawald, Koret Koelman, Muriel Krause, Josephine Lavoie, Marky, Rosemary McHale, Jeanne McHugh, Terry McLeod, Richard Quintana, Mary Shick, Cyndy Smerdel, Kari Stellino, Don Vickery, Sharon Aiello, Catherine Okulove, Nan Connolly, Joanne Johnson, Josie Clarke, Ruth Sleeper, Rich Crispi, Sister Nancy Reynolds & Bernie Voight.


Our sincere sympathy to the families of
Fe Mercado,
Donald Menconi,
Margarita Tijerino,
Fred Crist,
Robert Lee Leiendecker &
Ada Senegal

who recently passed away.


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"Sacred and Holy"

When we set aside time for silence and dedicate it to listening for the voice of God, it becomes sacred silence, whether we do it on our own or as a community during the liturgy. When we set aside things, times, people, and places for the worship of God, they become sacred. However, all that is sacred is not necessarily holy, and all that is holy is not necessarily sacred. There’s a difference between being sacred and being holy. Sacredness is a characteristic people put on things, times, people, and places which hopefully leads us to what is holy. Holiness is a characteristic which only God can impart on a person, place, time, or thing by being present in her or him or it. My point is this: we need to recognize what is holy—where God is present (in and out of church)—as much as we can. However, most of us also need to make sacred places, times, people, and things to lead us to an experience of what is holy. - Pat Kelly



There will be a collection this weekend at all the Masses to assist the local church communities in El Salvador in their outreach to those most in need from the recent earthquake. You may also mail your donation to the Archdiocese of San Francisco at 445 Church St. San Francisco, Ca 94114



The Office of Formation for the Permanent Diaconate is sponsoring an Informational Evening for men considering the possibility of serving the Church as Permanent Deacons. If you have ever considered the possibility of a vocation to the Permanent Diaconate, you and your wife are invited to attend this meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 21st, 7:30 to 9:00pm, in the lower level of St. Mary’s Cathedral. Questions may be directed to the Formation Office at St. Patrick’s Seminary, 320 Middlefield Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025-3563 phone (650) 323-1703.


Archbishop William J. Levada
and the
Office of Marriage and Family Life
invite all those married couples who will celebrate their
25th, 50th, or 50+ Wedding Anniversary
during the year 2001
to a Solemn Mass in their honor
Saturday, February 10, 2001
St. Mary’s Cathedral, 10:00a.m.
A reception will follow the Mass.

RSVP to our parish office at 589-2800 by January 31 so that we can give the Cathedral your information and let them know how many of your family members will be in attendance.



The 2000 year-end statement will be mailed upon
request only.
Please fill out the form below and drop
off in the collection basket or the Rectory.

All requests must be in by January 31st.



ENVELOPE NUMBER_____________________



All to often we rush upon the work that awaits us. Jesus said to Martha, when she was concerned that she was working so hard and Mary was sitting at Jesus’ feet listening to Him: "Mary has chosen the better part and it shall not be taken from her". To be able to do the small acts of love that Jesus asks of us, we need to fill ourselves with Him. We have a wonderful opportunity to do this on Saturday, February 3rd, following the 8:30 AM Mass and continuing till Benediction at 10 AM. Come, sit before Jesus in His blessed Sacrament. Let Him speak to your heart.


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Cash for Class....Turn in your Tanforan receipts NOW!!!......Call Linda Cuddy.


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The San Bruno S.A.S.H. Program operates through St. Robert’s Church and the San Bruno Senior Center to provide grocery shopping for seniors who are homebound. There is no fee for the program. The S.A.S.H. program at this time is in need of volunteers who would help with shopping. For more information or to volunteer for this very worthwhile service, please call Laverne or Larry Buller.

First Saturday Mass at Holy Cross Cemetery

You are invited to remember your deceased relatives, friends, and fellow parishioners at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on Saturday, February 3rd, at Holy Cross Cemetery’s All Saints Mausoleum Chapel. Join Fr. Mark Taheny for this 11:00am Mass on the First Saturday of February. It’s an excellent opportunity to pray for the souls of your beloved departed, especially those buried at Holy Cross.


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MONDAY, January 29th
6 - 8:30 p.m. Athletics.....Hall
7 - 10 p.m. Grownup’s.....Library

TUESDAY, January 30th
6:30 - 8 p.m. Legion of Mary.....Library
7 - 8:15 p.m. Religious Ed Parent Mtg......Hall

WEDNESDAY, January 31st
6 - 8:30 p.m. Athletics.....Hall
7:30 - 9 p.m. Bible Study....Convent

THURSDAY, February 1st
3:30 - 8p Religious Ed.....Hall
7 - 9 p.m. RCIA.....Chapel
7 - 9 p.m. Parish Planning Committee.....Library
7:30 - 9 p.m. Teen Club.....Hall

FRIDAY, February 2nd
6 - 10 p.m. Men’s Club.....Hall

SATURDAY, February 3rd
9 - 10 a.m. Eucharistic Adoration.....Church
All Day, Men’s Club.....Hall

SUNDAY, February 4th
10 - 11:30 a.m. Fil/Am Choir....Hall
3:30 - 5:30 p.m. Confirmation.....Hall

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