St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

NOVEMBER 1, 1998
All Saints


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Dear Parishioners,

During the month of November, a Mass will be celebrated each day for the deceased members of our Parish and of your families. There will be a Shrine in memory of all souls set up around the shrine of Mary in the Church. You might wish to place a photo, prayer card or other small remembrance at this shrine.

In your prayers, please remember Father Marini, our "retired" priest in residence. Father fell last weekend and fractured his hip. He is now in the period of recovery and doing well. Father has been very special to all the sick of the Parish these past few years, bringing them the Sacraments, visiting them in the hospital, and always spending time each day in the Church praying for them and for all of us. If you wish to send Father a letter or a card, please drop it off at the Priest house and I will see that he gets it.

I am happy to announce that because of the sacrifices of 460 families we have reached our assessment of $69,000 to the programs of the Archdiocese. The money that we now receive over the assessed amount will be used to help pay for the new sanctuary wall. I would ask all those who are making monthly payments to the Annual Appeal to continue to do so. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY.

Join us at the 4:30 p.m. Mass on November 7th. to celebrate the 40th. anniversary of our Parish. All "original" parishioners are asked to come in a special way.

Father Ring



FEAST of ALL SOULS - Mon., 11/2
Optional memorial of St. Martin de Porres, religious - Tues, 11/3
Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop - Wed., 11/4

Readings for next
2 Maccabees 7:1-2, 9-14; 2 Thess. 2:16-3:5; Luke 20:27-38



"Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on earth!" I think of half of our Women’s Club motto, "Hearts to God," when I think of theGloria. As part of our gathering it helps us, especially when we sing it, to enter into a spirit of joy, thankfulness, and worship. Moreover, we truly glorify God when we sing or proclaim it with a full voice. We will sing the Gloria more this month as we strive to develop our gathering rites, to celebrate the great solemn feasts of All Saints and Christ the King, and to refamiliarize ourselves with it so we can really sing out with the angels at Christmas!


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Monday 6:30 All Souls
8:30 All Souls
Tuesday 6:30 All Souls
8:30 Mary Kern †
Wednesday 6:30 NO MASS
8:30 All Souls
Thursday 6:30 NO MASS
8:30 All Souls
Friday 6:30 Americus Gianni †
8:30 All Souls
Saturday 8:30 All Souls
4:30 St. Robert's 40th Birthday
Sunday 7:30 People of St. Robert's
9:00 Ralph Capella †
10:30 Albert Spadaro †
12:00 Joseph Bellaria †
5:30 All Souls

**PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO 6:30 Mass on Wednesdays and Thursdays for the remainder of November.


We welcome into the family of God: Ruth Felix, Hannah McEllistrim and Jessica Peluffo who were baptized in Christ.

We pray for the ill: Blake Interdonato, Don Landers, Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Jane Bousquet, Sandra Dill and Muriel Krause.

We pray for the repose of the soul of: Jerome Model and Robert Smith, Sr.

As a Parish Community,We Pray...

For our nation. May the Holy Spirit enlighten us to elect leaders who will serve with justice, integrity and compassion for all people.



Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place on Saturday, November 7th, following the 8:30 AM Mass and continuing until 10 AM. Saints throughout the ages have had special devotion to Jesus, present to us in the Eucharist. As we walk in their footsteps, could we spend one hour with Jesus before His tabernacle?



St. Robert's Support and Care Group invites you to an Evening Prayer liturgy for our deceased family members and friends THIS Sunday, Nov. 1st at 4 p.m.

Prior to the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls a shrine will be erected for the deceased around the statue of Mary. It will remain there for the month of Nov. If you wish, you may place a photo, prayer card, or other remembrance at the shrine.


Violence is a lie, for it goes against the truth of our faith, the truth of our humanity. Violence destroys what it claims to defend: the dignity, the life, the freedom of human beings. Violence is a crime against humanity, for it destroys the very fabric of society...To all of you who are listening I say: Do not believe in violence; do not support violence. It is not the Christian way. It is not the way of the Catholic Church. Believe in peace and forgiveness and love, for they are of Christ.

Pope John Paul II



Sunday, December 6th at 7pm our Children’s and Adult Choirs will help us prepare for the coming of Christ in a beautiful evening of Advent songs and Scripture. This is not one to be missed! Mark your calendars.


Please bring canned goods to the vesibule of the Church. Thank you...St. Vincent de Paul.



This Sunday, Nov 1st, our seventy five Confirmation candidates will be formally enrolled in the program and presented to the Parish Community during the 5:30 p.m. Mass. Please pray for the Candidates.


Martha's of the Church

Have you wondered who works behind the scenes, taking care of so many details that make our liturgy run smoothly? Who washes and irons altar linens and servers’ robes? Who removes wax and polishes candleholders? Who dusts the altar, ambo, baptismal font? Who keeps the sanctuary clean and tidy? We are blessed with a group of lovely, faithful ladies who quietly take care of our center of worship. They are "The Martha’s". Their annual meeting will be on Tuesday morning, Nov. 10th. If you feel the desire to serve Jesus and His people as a "Martha", please call Gene or Anna May May. Time commitment is 4-8 mornings each year.



The Presentation Sisters wish to thank very sincerely all who helped to make their boutique a success, especially those who donated items for sale - helped with publicity - priced the items - helped to setup, sell, and tidy up. God bless you all.



Are you about to celebrate a 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55 or 60th Wedding Anniversary this year? Let us know! We’d like to applaud you, pray for you, and celebrate with you. We will be listing special anniversaries in our December Issue of Across the Parish. Please call the Parish office at 589-2800.



Our drop in center has opened and is doing well.. We wish to thank the parishioners for their support and offers to furnish our room. We want to especially thank Walter Moniz for the microwave oven & coffee maker. We still need other items. If you have anything in your garage you think we can use call Ben Baldonado or Sandi Murtagh.



The Men's Club will hold it’s 2nd dinner/meeting of the new year on Monday Nov. 2nd. All men of the parish are invited to our monthly dinner meetings. The Men’s Club is a great place to meet new people and to get involved with our parish. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and dinner will be served at approximately 7:30 p.m. Come watch Monday Night Football and have a great dinner. We really need to know if you are coming so please call John Franzella.


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The Fil-Am Group cordially invites all parishioners to an early Christmas party on Nov. 21st at the Grand Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Burlingame. Dinner is Prime Rib or Chicken Breast. Donation, $40 per person. Net proceeds of the affair will go to the Group’s projects for St. Robert’s Church and School. For more information, please call Gabby Diaz at or Manny Ortiz.



SHOP EARLY FOR CHRISTMAS at the 5th annual Craft Night on November 9th in Hennessy Hall. Enjoy a delicious dinner, lively conversation and beautiful crafts created by talented crafters. Doors open at 6:30 PM. Dinner is $8.00 per person; complimentary meal for new members. All women of the parish are welcome! Call Michelle Compton for reservations.



Jesuit Retreat House Los Altos
The Enriching Experience of Marriage-Nov. 13-15
Strengthening Your Single Parent Family-Nov. 14th.

For more information please phone 948-4491.


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Men’s Club, 7-10 PM.....Hall

Legion of Mary, 6:30-8:00 PM.....Library
Religious Ed, Jr. Hi, (6th grade), 6:45-8PM...Hall

Fil/Am, 7-9:30 PM.....Hall

RCIA, 7-9 PM.....Chapel
Life & Growth, 7-9 PM.....Library
Bob’s Club, 7-9 PM.....Hall

Eucharistic Adoration, 9-10 AM.....Church
Renew, 9-10:30 AM.....Chapel

Fil/Am Choir, 10-11:30AM...Hall

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