St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

JULY 19, 1998
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time


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Dear Parishioners:

The following is Part III
from the Catholic Update,
A Consistent Ethic of Life by Kenneth R. Overberg, S.J.:

The consistent ethic of life challenges us every day. 1) It encourages us to hold together a great variety of issues with a consistent focus on the value of life. 2) It challenges us to reflect on our basic values and convictions which give direction to our lives. 3) It leads us to express our commitment to life in civil debate and public policy.

From womb to tomb. A consistent ethic includes all life issues from the very beginning of life to its end. An excellent example of how the life ethic holds together many distinct issues in the U.S. bishops’ statement Political Responsibility, issued prior to every presidential election. The 1996 edition of Political Responsibility provided direction concerning many issues, including abortion, racism, the economy, AIDS, housing, the global trade in arms, welfare reform, immigration and refugees.

Several examples can give the spirit of Political Responsibility and help us examine our consciences. The bishops oppose the use of the death penalty, judging that the practice further undermines respect for life in our society and stating that it has been discriminatory against the poor and racial minorities. The bishops express special concern for the problem of racism, call it a "radical evil" which divides the human family. Dealing with poverty, the bishops claim, is a moral imperative of the highest priority for poverty threatens life. In the domestic scene, there is a need for more jobs with adequate pay and decent working conditions; at the international level, the areas of trade, aid and investment must be reevaluated in terms of their impact on the poor.

Capital punishment, racism, poverty; certainly these are very different issues, with different causes and different solutions (many of which may be very complex.) Still, underneath all these differences is life and, for us, the challenge of respecting the lives of people who may be very different from us. What actions concerning these issues would a consistent ethic of life suggest?

Here are a few possibilities. For capital punishment, spend time learning why many churches are opposed to the death penalty; then write to your governor and other officials expressing your opposition. For racism, start or join a parish group that is working to bring together people of different races, perhaps by a formal, ongoing interchange between two parishes ("twinning"). For poverty, read the bishops’ pastoral letter Economic Justice for All; volunteer in a soup kitchen or AIDS clinic; if possible, exercise your leadership in business or politics to change oppressive policies and regulations. Surely, we cannot do everything; but we can do one thing.

Fr. Vincent Ring



to Father Ring, parish office staff, and so many of the people of St. Robert’s for welcoming me so warmly. I am looking forward very much to getting to know you all and serving the parish as Pastoral Associate for Liturgy.

Pat Kelly



Principled and constructive U.S. leadership is essential to build a safer, more just world. The Catholic community will continue to speak on behalf of increased development assistance, relief from international debt, curbs on the arms trade, and respect for human life and the rights of families. We will continue to oppose populations policies that insist on inclusion of abortion among the methods of family planning.



July 12- Sept. 1
6:30 a.m. Mass on Tuesdays and Fridays ONLY**
8:30 a.m. Mass EACH DAY

**at 6:30 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday there is a Communion Service


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We welcome you into St. Robert’s Family and ask that you complete a registration form (found in the vestibule of the church). Drop it either in the collection basket, in the mail, or at the Parish office. We will mail a New Parishioner Packet with information about the Parish, its organizations and groups.



We welcome into our Parish Family the following people:
Patrick Kelly
Martha Swize
Tiffany Ergas


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Monday 6:30 Communion Service
8:30 Clara Dalton †
Tuesday 6:30 Fred Coleman †
8:30 Bruno Galli †
Wednesday 6:30 Communion Service
8:30 Ann Marino †
Thursday 6:30 Communion Service
8:30 Dan Andrew Alchesra †
Friday 6:30 Karalee Sheehan †
8:30 Mark & Hilda Barradas
Saturday 8:30 Diana Martinez †
4:30 Charles Muscat
Sunday 7:30 Mary Kern †
9:00 People of St. Robert's
10:30 Gallsezzo Family †
12:00 Marion Mahoney †
5:30 Agnes Pisani †


We pray for the ill: Blake Interdonato, IIlar Schoenstein, Don Landers, Tony Coogan, Koret Koelman, Terry McLeod, Adela Florez, Ana Cosgaya, Peter Capodonicco, Rosemary McHale, Arthur Candia, Margarita Velez, Sandra Dill, Jane Bousquet, Richard Ribero and Tim Scully.

We welcome into the family of God, Marco Mosqueda, Eden Mosqueda and DeLai Masina who were baptized in Christ.

We pray for the repose of the soul of Roy Asborno.


For women who wait longingly for the blessing of a child. For all pregnant women, that they cherish the life that grows within them.



If you have someone in your family or a close friend, or a neighbor who is interested in becoming a Catholic, or if you know adults who were baptized and have not received First Communion or Confirmation, why not invite them to our R.C.I.A.? Unbaptized adults are welcome also. This program will begin in September. We are accepting candidates throughout the coming months. Spread the word. Leave names and phone numbers with the Parish Office. Rusty Duffey will make contact with applicants.



Faith sharing means talking freely about God and about life experiences and reflecting on these in the light of scripture and tradition. Reading scripture, connecting it with daily life and sharing these insights and experiences with other RENEW participants serve as a source of enrichment and encouragement for all.

Join RENEW in the Fall


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This year’s parish picnic will be held on Aug. 29th at Beckner Shelter. Picnic lunch will be provided by the parish. It will begin at Noon and we will have the pool from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Reservation sign-ups will start on THIS Sunday, July 19th, after each Mass. Please call Trish Estelita at if you would like to help.

See you there!!!!



If you would like to make a donation of $100 or more toward the construction of the new wall in memory of someone or in thanksgiving for God’s blessing to your family, please send a check to the Parish specifying the name to be listed on the memorial plaque that will be placed on the side wall of the Sanctuary.


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TUESDAY, July 21st
Legion of Mary, 6:30-8:30 PM.......Library

THURSDAY, July 23rd
Fil/Am, 7-9:30 PM...... Hall

SUNDAY, July 26th
FilAm Choir Practice 10-11:30 AM....Hall

Memorial of Mary Magdalene,
disciple of the Lord-Wed., July 22nd

Feast of St. James, Apostle
Sat., July 25th

Readings for next Sunday July 26th:
Genesis 18:20-32
Colossians 2:12-14
Luke 11:1-13

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