St. Robert's Catholic Church Bulletin, February 13, 2005

St. Robert's Catholic Church

1380 Crystal Springs Road, San Bruno, CA 94066

Tel: (650) 589-2800

February 13, 2005
First Sunday of Lent


St. Robert’s Volunteers

There are so many of you
That give the
St. Robert’s Parish Community
your valuable time.

In your honor
you are cordially invited to attend
A get-together
Given by the
St. Roberts Parish Staff
Sunday, February 27th
From 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
In Hennessy Hall.

let us thank you!


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Monday - February 14
Readings: Lv 19:1-2,11-18     Mt 25:31-46

Mass Intention
Honoria Arcede Gonzalez †
Marija Boncich †
Women's Guild Meeting
Passion Play Rehearsal
St. Vincent de Paul
Mahoney Room
Tuesday - February 15
Readings: Is 55:10-11     Mt 6:7-15
Mass Intention 6:30
Adolph & Rita Fambrini †
John Erasmy †
Faith Sharing Group
Religious Education
Legion of Mary
Lent Faith Sharing Group
Youth Ministry
Mary's Chapel
Church & Hall
Convent Chapel
Wednesday - February 16
Readings: Jonah 3:1-10     Lk 11:29-32
Mass Intention 6:30
Giuseppe Pignati †
Joe & Venchenza Fenech †
7th Grade Cheerleading
Youth Ministry
Choir Practice
Athletic's Meeting
Bible Study
Mahoney Room
Convent Chapel

Thursday - February 17
Readings: Est C:12,14-16,23-25     Mt 7:7-12

Mass Intention 6:30
Richard Stoppoloni †
June Monaghan †
Religious Education
Church & Hall
Convent Chapel

Friday - February 18
Readings: Ez 18:21-28     Mt 5:20-26

Mass Intention 6:30
In Thanksgiving
Larry & LaVerne Buller †
8th Grade Cheerleading
Stations of the Cross
Lenten Soup Supper

Saturday - February 19
Readings: Deut 26:16-19     Mt 5:43-48

Mass Intention 8:30
June Dickhoff †
Larry & LaVerne Buller †
Grownups 1:00p Hall

Sunday - February 20
Readings: Gn 12:1-4a     2 Tm 1:8a-10     Mt 17:1-9

Mass Intention 7:30
People of St. Robert's
Anthony Zammit †
Carmela Dellegrazie †
Dena Bin †
Fil/Am Choir
Legion of Mary
Youth Mass
Youth Ministry
Passion Play Rehearsal
Mahoney Room

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February 14th

You won’t want to miss the mystery Guest!

Women’s Guild cordially invites you to the February meeting. Doors open at 6:30 pm and cost is $10. RSVP to Teresa Nussbaum.


February 20th

The Grownups Luncheon will be held Sunday, February 20th after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Tickets are on sale for $13.50 each after the Masses this weekend, Feb. 12th and 13th. Reservations can also be made by calling Dolores Moynihan, Dolores Johnson, Vera Hannon, or Helen Mantler.


March 5-6

Enjoy and have fun on the scenic snow drive to Reno sponsored by the Fil/Am group of St. Robert’s church March 5th - 6th. Saturday overnight and return Sunday. Leave at 7 am in the morning in front of the Rectory on Crystal Springs. $50 per person, $65 (single)



Give your husband a gift of a Retreat for Valentines Day at Mercy Center

March 5th, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Donation $30.00

Call the Rectory at 589-2800 and sign him up!


Basque Cultural Center, March 12th

”Game Show Mania”

Tickets to the annual Dinner Dance/Auction are available for 300 lucky “contestants” at the February 14th Women’s Guild meeting. Dinner! Dancing! Live Auction! Fabulous Prizes. All this and more for only $75 per person or $65 for seniors. Select from the following “celebrity” menu; “Wink Martindale” Prime Rib, “Monty Hall” Salmon with Champagne Sauce, “Bob Barker” Breast of Chicken Chasseur or “Gene Rayburn” Vegetarian Pasta. “Stay tuned” for more information…The Dinner Dance Committee is putting together a Red and Blue Pages Quick Reference Guide listing local advertisers’ phone numbers. So many generous people continue to sponsor our fundraisers, that the committee would like to produce something that will give back to our faithful supporters and their businesses. For a $25 fee your ad will be listed by category with your business name, address and telephone number. A complimentary copy of the publication will be distributed to all dinner dance attendees on March 12th and additional copies sold to parishioners at a cost to cover publication. If you have a special talent you would like to advertise, or if you have friend or relatives who would like to promote their business, please call (650) 588-7404 to place an ad.

Let’s give something back to those who continue to support us!



Congratulations and welcome young people! We are happy to announce that St. Robert’s Junior Legion of Mary now meets every Sunday. We are anxious for more children or teenagers to join. The object of the Legion is to spread devotion to the Mother of God and pray for world peace. Any young Catholic between the ages of 7-17 is invited to join.

Requirements: You must have a strong love for Our Blessed Mother, a desire to make her better known and appreciated. You must be willing to attend a one hour meeting every wee (on Sundays after the 11:30 a.m. Mass) and be wiling to do some good works during the week. If interested, please, come to the Mhony Room after the 11:30 a.m. Mass or call Encar Sanchez, Rose Jardin, Albert Reyes or Sister Patricia at 589-0104 or contact any Senior Legion of Mary member.


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Thank you for your generous donation of $3,960.00 to our St. Vincent de Paul Society.



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As a Parish Community...We pray for all married couples. With God as the center of their life together, may they grow in peace, harmony and love.



On each Friday during Lent (except for Good Friday), Stations will be held in the Church at 6p.m. A light Lenten Supper will follow in Hennessy Hall. This is an opportunity for us to pray together and for members of our Parish family to get to know one another. We ask that you put into the basket in the hall what you would normally spent on your usual Friday dinner. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society will use the proceeds to feed our sisters and brothers who are in need. On Friday, February 18th, Stations will be led by Gene and Anna May. The supper will be hosted by the Sociables, St. Vincent de Paul, TIPPS and RCIA. Bring your family and friends.



Saint Robert's Grief Support Group will hold their next meetings on February 26th in the Convent Chapel from 3-4:15 p.m. (before the 4:30 p.m. Mass). Anyone who is suffering from the loss of a loved one—spouse, sibling, child, parent, friend or relative is invited to come and pray, share, comfort and be comforted. You are invited to bring a companion as support and strength. God Bless you in your sorrow. Sister Patricia 589-0104



The Grief Support Ministry Committee is in need of new members. If you (male or female) have a kind compassionate heart and are willing to make a phone call and listen to a person who has recently lost a loved one and feel that you could help lighten the burden of sorrow of that person, please join us. For more information talk to: Sister Patricia, Sophia or Bruce Chester, Rita Lille, Lidia Vinal, Florence Martinez, Marie Noce or Dolores Johnson



"With courage and compassion, Bishops, priests and lay Catholics must seize the opportunity to propose to the sons and daughters of the Church, and to the whole society, the truth about the special gift that is human sexuality. The false promises of the 'sexual revolution' are now painfully obvious in the human suffering caused by unprecedented rates of divorce, by the scourge of abortion and its lasting effects on those involved. Yet the teaching of the magisterium, the development of the 'theology of the body', and the experience of faithful Catholic couples have given Catholics in the United States a uniquely powerful and compelling opportunity to bring the truth about human sexuality into a society that sorely needs to hear it." (Pope John Paul II, to the Bishops of Minnesota, North and South Dakota-June, 1998)



Save the date Sunday, April 10th for High Tea.
More information in future bulletins


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by Sister Sheral

Change Our Hearts
"Change our hearts this time, your word says it can be. Change our minds this time, your life could make us free. We are the people your call set apart, Lord, this time change our hearts." This is the refrain for one of the songs we'll be singing this Lent. I love it because it says "this time." Haven't we been here before? Haven't we tried to be better people for so many Lents? It would be easy to have a ho-hum attitude towards Lent. But hopefully, we're different people this Lent than last Lent. We've all had experiences of being loved, of suffering, of nature's beauty which pulls us out of ourselves and draws us towards the Creator. Maybe this time, we can be more open to God's call always beckoning to us to come closer. Maybe this time, as we kneel and sing, "Lord, have mercy" we can let go of our fear and let the Holy Spirit lead us to a new place deep within. Maybe this time, instead of giving up candy or television, we can honestly ask the Spirit what Lenten practice will help us come closer to God, to our families and neighbors and to our true selves.

Having said that, I'd like to make a few simple suggestions for Lent. Instead of doing more during Lent in your already-too busy schedule, why not try doing things a bit differently? If you're used to squeezing in as the priest enters the church for Mass, why not set your alarm a few minutes earlier so that you and everyone else in your household can get settled before liturgy begins? If you're one of those folks who tends to leave Mass immediately after you receive Communion, could you plan differently so you could stay until the final blessing? If you sit on the end of the pew and a family comes in after you, could you move over to let them be seated more easily instead of having them crawl over you? They would appreciate your graciousness, I'm sure.

Each week's bulletin has the readings for the coming Sunday listed under "Week at a Glance." If you read the Sunday scriptures during the week before you come to church, I promise you'll hear them differently. If the only bible in your home is the 25 pounder which you inherited from your parents, maybe now is the time to buy a new one! If you have a few minutes between 6:30 am and 5 pm, you might want to stop by the church. Someone asked an older woman who regularly sat for a while in church what on earth she was doing. She replied, "I look at him and he looks at me." What a wonderful way to grow in faith. May the Spirit help us all to grow during this holy season of Lent.

In Honor of St. Valentine's Day
"Love is an act of endless forgiveness a tender look that becomes a habit." Peter Ustinov
"The best and most beautiful things cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart." Helen Keller
"People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within." Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
"Sometimes when you're walking along, do you try to imagine yourself as one infinitesimally small creature walking on top of an orb spinning in space at unthinkable speed, with only gravity keeping your feet anchored to earth? If it weren't for gravity, you'd go flying off in space as less than a speck of dust! Do you recognize gritty as an elemental form of love? We might think of gravity holding all of us on earth together in an embrace of love, and doesn't that speak of a God who is essentially relational, wanting to draw all things together in love?" Author Unknown


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February 19th and 20th

4:30 p.m. Mass

Presider Msgr. Bruce Dreier
Eucharistic Ministers M.J. Glostein (C), K. Cox, P. Schaukowitch,
J. Scannell, R. Larsen, B. Larsen,
R. Aveson, B. Castro-Leon, J. Quinn
Lectors P. Scannell and C. Aveson
Altar Servers E. Fosse and D. Balistreri

7:30 a.m. Mass

Presider Father Marini
Eucharistic Ministers E. Ruggiero (C), C. Soracco, B. Mullins
R. Lahoz, A. Buelow
Lector T. Clifford
Altar Servers J. Olcomendy and B. Marshall
9:30 a.m. Mass
Presider Father Healy
Eucharistic Ministers J. Yanke (C), M. A. Saisi, R. Valdez
P. Byrne, G. Tolentino, C. Zolezzi,
V. Yanke, J. Valdez,
Lectors D. Wilson and M. Parasdas
Altar Servers A. M. Silva and C. Deluca
11:30 a.m. Mass
Presider Msgr. Dreier
Eucharistic Ministers G. May (C), H. Madayag, C. Ortiz,
T. Estelita, S. Gomez, T. Gomez,
P. Astero, L. Juvero, R. Benavente
Lectors C. Pisani and T. Tannis
Altar Servers V. Abellana and F. Abellana

5:00 p.m. Mass

Presider Fr. Hung/Deacon Rusty Duffey
Eucharistic Ministers J. Schbaukowitch (C), S. Donohue, D. Valiao,
A. Solis, M. Abertolle, T. Abertolle,
I. Reyes
Lector C. Galletta
Altar Servers J. Belluomini and G. Delucchi

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